TV Info

Please Select your device:

Note: This page does not provide login details for IPTV. To get a login just find it on the internet...
For educational purpuses only!

Download IPTVSmartersPro-Setup-1.1.1.exe

1: Install The IPTV Smarters App on your machine.
2: Open the application and fill in your details from your IPTV Provider

3: Click on Add user and you can watch your content
Download IPTVSmartersPro-1.1.1.dmg

1: Install The IPTV Smarters App on your machine.
2: Open the application and fill in your details from your IPTV Provider

3: Click on Add user and you can watch your content
1: Open your APP store ios/android and find the : Smarters Player Lite

2: Download the app and open the app and click on "Add your playlist (XC API)"
3: Fill in your details from your IPTV Provider
4: Click on Add user and you can watch your content

Note: to Stream to chromecasts etc you need to pay ONLY ONCE 2 euro
Payment goes by apple store and is forever (NO SUBSCRIPTION)

Android phone:
Download smarters.apk
1: Download the APK to your device with the upper button (or send it to your device)
2: Install the APK on your phone
3: open the app and click: "Add your playlist (XC API)"
4: Fill in your details from your IPTV Provider
5: Click on Add user and you can watch your content

Note: To "Upgrade" to Premium you can just click "buy" it redirects you to a 0 euro checkout wich you can fill with fake info and you have FREE premium!

NOTE: This is only for chromecasts with google TV (Newest version with remote controll)
1: Go to your chromecast settings and navigate to: system -> about
2: Click arround 5-10 times on the "Android TV OS Build" (NOT THE Android TV OS version) until it said "You are now a developer"

3: go to apps and find and install "Downloader by AFTVnews"
4: Open the App and visit this url: and click on DOWNLOAD (in your APP on your chromecast)

Download smarters.apk

5: It can ask about "unknown apps and will redirect you to the settings. Just enable the Downloader there and your all set!
6: Install the APK on your chromecast.
7: open the app and click: "Add your playlist (XC API)"
8: Fill in your details from your IPTV Provider
9: Click on Add user and you can watch your content

Note: To "Upgrade" to Premium you can just click "buy" it redirects you to a 0 euro checkout wich you can fill with fake info and you have FREE premium!

Samsung TV:

Theres one option.. will put more info here soon about this.

LG Tv:

Theres one option.. will put more info here soon about this.